Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you an adult who has not been baptized? Never received First Communion? Confirmation? Well, we have an answer for you... an adult educational experience (ages 18 and older) called the Order of the Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). Multimedia teaching experiences will be offered at the convenience of the participants. Don't be unprepared to be a Godparent or Sponsor for a relative or friend, or unable to celebrate Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church. This program of formation is designed for those in our community who wish to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist or Confirmation in the Catholic Church. Please contact the parish office at 724-9190 if you have missed receiving any sacraments and would like to participate in this program to prepare to receive them.
OCIA sessions are held twice a month on Sundays, see calendar for details.
For more information, contact Mrs. Laurianne Down, [email protected], 724-9190.